Soul Renovation - School of Soul

behind the scenes embracing discomfort universe and goal alignment Apr 06, 2024

Use Your Creative Force to Manifest:

Remember, the Universe wants you to create and expand.
You were created as a creative being and possess powers to achieve unlimited potential in your life.

This amazing creative power is not only sometimes available to you. It’s always available to you - every single day of your life! It gives you the opportunity to create miracles in your life. The more you begin playing with this gift, the more powerful you’ll be in your life, and the closer you’ll be to living your soul’s purpose. 

If you are new to manifestation, you may not know where to start or what to create. Don’t worry about that yet. You’ll learn steps related to choosing your vision in a much later module. You don't need to know what you’re creating yet. You just need to start. The truth is, in the beginning, you never really know where this creation journey is going to take you.

As a starting point, just opening yourself up to possibilities and allowing space for grace is what opens up your journey. It’s how you initially tap into your potential. In later modules, you’ll learn how to create crystal clear visions and set up your game to directly manifest them. 

In the very beginning of your co-creative  journey, feeling like a creator and just embracing space for grace is more important than focusing on any specific creation or outcome.

Continued in School of Soul - Link in Bio āœØ

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