Soul Renovation - School of Soul
Apr 06, 2024
The more questions you ask, the more answers you will get. From there, the more your thoughts can expand.
Questions activate your thought process. Asking questions is a journey. So don't overthink them. Just start asking questions.
You might be surprised by this, but the questions are more valuable than the answers because they get you thinking and exploring new ideas. That’s what is most important. Answers are simply the obvious result of questions. But stimulating your imagination by asking questions is where the gold is. Since you can ask unlimited questions, start asking! You’ll be amazed at what shows up in your mind!
Sometimes, you will seek specific answers though. In this case, different question styles will serve your purpose.
Binary Choices - Yes/no or this/that questionsâ¨If you want a definite answer when picking between two choices, ask yes/no questions or this/that questions. This forces the answer to show up for you very specifically since there are only two possible answers. This type of question is most appropriate when you are making decisions.
Close-ended questions â¨If you have questions that point to something specific, you can ask a close-ended question that will likely provide answers that point back to certain focal points. For example, you might focus on something about your own behaviour as an investigatory question. A question could be, “Why do I do X?”
Open-ended questionsâ¨This type of question does not provide a definite answer. Open-ended questions can have any answer. They are open to all possibilities which is fantastic if you are looking to explore possibilities and want to see where they show up. An example is, “What motivates me?” Anything can show up as the answer. Questions like this are great for reflection or illuminating deeper thoughts.
Continued in School of Soul - Link in Bio â¨
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