How to Take Your POWER Back

"spiritual growth self-help resources spiritual growth Apr 12, 2024

My name is Ashley. And I make videos about vision boards.. And accomplishing your goals.. And chasing goals in life... And today that's what I'm talking about. I'm just going to show you guys behind the scenes of what I'm working on right now. And right now I’m calling all my power back.

I called all my power back to me. I literally went out and purposely took all my power back from everyone. Because of the time it was costing me in the game to give my power away.

How did I do this? I literally woke up one day and I decided that that was it. And that I was taking my power back. And we were moving forward in a new direction. I had begun to live for other people a bit. And I decided that was no longer going to work for me. And that I was going to just do me.

I no longer feel obligated that I must connect to people, things, and places. I have chosen to take all that connection back. And now I consciously think every time I connect into something.

Main transcript:

Okay, so I know that a lot of people have noticed a really big shift in my personality. And that's because I created it. And I did this quite simply. I called all my power back to me. I literally went out and purposely took all my power back from everyone. How did I do this? I literally woke up one day and I decided that that was it. And that I was taking my power back. And we were moving forward in a new direction. I had begun to live for other people a bit. And I decided that was no longer gonna work for me. And that I was gonna do me. And I was gonna do me hard. And I did this very simply.

So number one, I started getting rid of everything. I told you guys. Not only did I get rid of everything because of the time it was costing me but I got rid of everything that had any memory not of just one person, but of eras in my lifetime. We've had successful and unsuccessful eras in our homes if we've been with our things for a long time. I had to ditch all of that. I closed my home. I didn't let energy in. I'm very particular about who comes to my home now. I do not hug people. I do not let anybody touch me right now. I will hug very very few of my girlfriends. Other than that, I'm not breaking my aura for anyone. I'm not giving my energy. I am not having sex with anybody. That was a huge one. Cutting off sex, you know. The two things that honestly brought the most of my energy back was to stop having sex with other people. I didn't realize how much these guys were f’en me up literally f’en in my head, just by having an energy connection with them. And then to not drink alcohol. I hadn't been this creative in decades. This creativity that lives inside of me was here as a child. You guys have seen my scrapbooks. And it was gone for so many years. And it has come back with a fury. It's just a fire inside of me now. And my energy healer explained to me very well that, you know, creation -- life it comes from down there. So anything we hook into... And have sex with... That is your creation power! And we're giving it up. And I want it for myself. So I'm no longer sharing that with anybody else. And I really didn't understand how sexual energy worked. And that when you let somebody plug into you, you're connected for seven years, they say. So that person is carrying around the guilt, shame, trauma and you're getting all of that. Say they're getting depressed... you're connected to them, and you could feel that. I gotta say cutting that off has radically -- it has radically improved my creativity. And my self-love. And just feeling good about myself.

The way I called all my energy back was I quit drinking alcohol. Anything that is not from a plant, I just cannot afford it in the game anymore. It lowers my vibration. The effects on our vibrational energy, they are very long lasting. And I just don't have time for that. I can't afford it in my game so that had to go. And then cutting off communication was another huge one. What else did I do? I've just become so savage I just basically took my presence away from everybody. And anything. And I got a second phone. I'm not accessible anymore. And I love it. And I put gaps between communication now so unless it's for work, if it's for work this is different. But if it's for personal ,I may call you back tomorrow, I may call you back next week. I do not know. I no longer feel obligated that I must connect to people, things, and places. I have chosen to take all that connection back. And now I consciously think every time I connect into something.



We all got tricked into mundane lives. Sold a story and told to chase the โ€˜dream.โ€™ The problem? There is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow if you follow the main conventional narrative.

So why don't people change? Obligations and reputations.


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