Have A Few Nice Things And Get Rid Of All The Other Crap

"spiritual growth self-help resources spiritual growth Apr 12, 2024


My name is Ashley. And I make videos about vision boards. And accomplishing your goals. And chasing goals in life.. And today that's what I'm talking about. I'm just going to show you guys behind the scenes of what I'm working on right now. So today I consider this question. How far can I get in the game of life? How good can I get? If I put all my energy into it, what kind of a masterpiece could I be in the end? That's the game. Material objects are just not really ranked that high anymore. There's a much greater feeling that comes from accomplishment than owning something. Most of my goals now, they all pertain to progress, getting better, being better, being a better superhuman, just basically trying to see what I'm made of. And to be honest, the more you own, the more you have to maintain, and I've just learned this at this age. I'm getting rid of so much stuff because the more you own, the more of your life you spend maintaining stuff. Main transcription: [listening to an audio book by Tim Grover] “He was the best because he was relentless about winning, relentless in his belief that there's no such thing as good enough. No matter how many times he won, no matter how great he became, he always wanted more and he was always willing to do whatever it took, and then some, to get it. Relentless is about never being satisfied, always driving to be the best and then getting even better. It's about finding the gear that gets you to the next level, even when the next level doesn't yet exist. It's about facing your fears, getting rid of the poisons that guarantee you will fail. Being feared and respected for your mental strength and toughness, not just your physical abilities. Whatever's in your glass, empty it right now and let me refill it from scratch. Forget what you thought, what you believed, whatever opinions you have, we start over right now, empty glass. Those last few drops are the mental barriers that will prevent you from being better. We're going somewhere completely new.”
Honestly, how beautiful. This is by far my nicest one. I know I've said this a lot of times, but it really is that pretty. I don't know if you can tell, but in person it matches perfectly now. It is just so easy on the eye. So, I did keep it in the respect model. There are a couple other processes that run on my board as well now. So, the companies are in a certain order, they are funneled in a certain order, you will notice that the order that everything is going does lead all down to the house. Other than the house, the only other thing I really want is to go on the jet. All my other goals, they all pertain to progress, getting better, being better, being a better superhuman, just basically trying to see what I'm made of. How far can I get in the game of life? How good can I get? If I put all my energy into it, what kind of a masterpiece could I be in the end? That's really just the game.
Along the way, there's different times that I feel I would like to have other experiences in this human world and they will go on the board, but material objects are just not really ranked that high anymore. There's a much greater feeling that comes from accomplishment than owning something. And to be honest, the more you own, the more you have to maintain, and I've just learned this at this age. I'm getting rid of shit, left, right and center because it is so annoying. The more you own, you could spend your whole life maintaining stuff. The time you get for myself to have a detached house and an office, and I’ve got to maintain all this. I've got to have a cleaner there, I've got to have a cleaner here...
I was actually thinking about this yesterday, really thinking about this. When I was stoned. And how much I sympathize with mothers. Because I am so overwhelmed. I mean truly, you guys think that I handle my work well. I find it very difficult to get shit done and it's always done... but it kills me doing it. The laundry and the dishwasher and making sure the car gets washed and the sprinkler gets turned on, on time, for the grass...and there's just so much to do when you own things! And between the house and the office it’s like owning two homes. 




We all got tricked into mundane lives. Sold a story and told to chase the โ€˜dream.โ€™ The problem? There is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow if you follow the main conventional narrative.

So why don't people change? Obligations and reputations.


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The game of life is no longer a level playing field. The old world system that promised fairness and guarantees has shifted, and we find ourselves in an era of uncertainty and rapid change.


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