This love affirmations wall guide will allow you to create an empowering love post-it wall anywhere in your home.
What you'll get:
- The custom Soul Renovation Canva template that I created for standard post-it notes!
- Heart Wall visual map & guide
- Template pages with Soul Renovation love affirmations filled in.
- 11 page PDF with over 300 Soul Renovation love and relationship affirmations.
- Instructions for substituting in any of your own love affirmations.
- Added video instructions as a visual aid.
- Instructions for specifically making your own Love Affirmations post-it wall.
If you would also like more non-love affirmations, I suggest also getting The Entire Collection of Soul Renovation Affirmations. It's another 44 page PDF with over 1100 Soul Renovation affirmations relating to every area of life, from success and wealth to home and health. That's Soul Renovation's entire library of affirmations all in one place